Friday, April 10, 2009

Don't Call Me, I'll Call You....

Let me start off by reiterating that I have Vincent on a fairly strict nap schedule. This took ample amount of time to accomplish, and I must say I am quite proud of it. Vincent naps at 9:00am and 1:00pm. Now, every once in a while we forsake this path for whatever reason, but for the most part we can count on a nap at those two particular times. At 8:55am this morning I sat down on my rocker with my little man in tow with the mission to nurse him to sleep. (Yes, I am trying to get Vincent to learn to fall asleep without a boob, but I can't always be a hardass). Right as Vincent's droopy eyelids started getting heavy, my cell phone rang. It was my husband. Luckily, I had the phone right there next to me so I simply pressed the ignore button so the phone would stop ringing. Then, without fail, the house phone starts ringing. I jump up to answer it because my husband as the annoying habit of letting the phone ring about 50 times before he gives up. This is how the phone call went:

Me: HELLO (annoyed)

Anthony: Hi.

Me: I ignore your phone call for a reason...I'm trying to get Vincent down!

Anthony: Oh, sorry.

Me: Click (hang up)

After I finally got Vincent to sleep, despite the numerous interruptions, I called my poor husband. I felt bad for hanging up on him, even though he should have known not to call at 9:00am!! He seemed rather unrattled by my bitchy behavior. I am still undecided on whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Ha Ha.

Well, my sister is in town now and I'm super excited. As soon as Vincent wakes up we are going to head over to my parents house where they are staying. The weather is starting to somewhat improve. The sun is starting to shine through, but there is still a bit of a chill in the air. This creates quite a dilemma for me because it's a little too warm for my Uggs, but a little too cold for my flip flops. If you know me at all you know I only wear one or the other, so I'm still trying to decide which shoe to put on. If this is my biggest problem of the day, I think I'll be in pretty good shape.
