Before we go any further with this blog, and before I ask other mothers to check it out, I want to make one thing very clear. My name on this blog is Out Spoken Mom - and it is that particular name for a reason. This is a no holds barr on my experiences as a stay at home mother to a high needs child. Sometimes, if the mood strikes me, I will swear. Sometimes, if it has been an exceptional burdensome day, I will tell it exactly how it is. This blog is solely to represent the good, the bad and the ugly of motherhood. I am not the mother who paints on a plastic smile when my world is crumbling around me. And I know going into this, some people will be offended with my words and my opinions. My only response to that is you don't have to read it. If you are the perfect mother who never swears, never loses her cool, always loves her husband, and always revels in the beauty of blissful motherhood, MORE POWER TO YOU! I wish I could be more like you. I, on the other hand, am astonishingly impatient, I swear like a sailor, I want a divorce at least once a month, and I except and appreciate the bad and the ugly as much I do the amazingly wonderful aspects of motherhood.
The bottom line is that I am doing my best. I love my son more than I could ever explain to you. Everyone has their own opinions and I do welcome them wholeheartedly. However, I will advise you that nasty, berating comments and messages about what a shitty mother you think I am will not faze me, so you are wasting your time. However, if you're a mom just like me, which I imagine there are quite a few out there, I believe you will take comfort in my entries, maybe even a few laughs here and there, and most importantly you will feel a little less alone in this world.