Thursday, April 9, 2009

Murphy's Law

Why is it that every time Vincent is screaming bloody murder in his car seat I get stuck behind someone leisurely driving at a glacier's pace?? It is much like the law of gravity; what goes up must come down; Vincent cries we cruise like snails. Other than Vincent's heinous hysteria on our way home from Morro Bay this afternoon, things are going pretty well. The weather is gloomy and opaque which hasn't managed to damper my mood quite yet. Although I do wish it would rain. We are in desperate need of a good rain, and hell, if it's going to be dark and dreary outside, I'd like to take advantage of the distinct smell that only rain can bring about.

My sister, her husband and her precious baby Lucy will be in town tonight. I am looking forward to spending a long weekend with my family, watching Lucy clumsily attempt walking (although I hear she is getting more and more balance as the days go by), and put together a "faux" easter egg hunt for the babies. I imagine we will just be sprawling eggs on the lawn for the babies to crawl around and grab. I don't foresee Vincent searching high and low, in bushes and trees for the sought after eggs! Lucy on the other hand...

I am begining to hear the faint whimpers of Vincent, letting me know he has awoke from his nap. So I will sign off for now.
