It feels like forever since I've had the opportunity to write on my blog. In hindsight it's only been a few days, but when you rely so heavily on this as your means of expressing yourself, you can feel like you have so much bottled up you could explode!
It's been a rather uneventful few days. Vincent's sleep has been exceptionally off. One of his top teeth finally broke through, but the other one is still desperately attempting its escape and I believe it is causing insane discomfort in the middle of the night, therefore causing no one in this house to get adequate sleep. Other than that it's been business as usual.
What I really want to address with this entry has little to do with motherhood, babies, sleep or my husband. We, as mothers, are entitled to be passionate about other things besides our children. Whether it be books, writing, photography,
politics; I think it's important we allow other passions and hobbies into our life to create a harmonized balance. One of my passions was brought out in me the other day and then amplified last night after watching a movie. It's a rather controversy topic, but I do not shy away from
controversy, so here it goes.
Let me start out with the bible
thumpers that came and knocked on my door the other day while my baby was peacefully sleeping. I have nothing against religious people,
per say, but I do have a problem with people walking door to door trying to push their beliefs on other innocent bystanders. And I find it even more annoying when they happen to come bang on the door when my child is taking a nap.
Even God can't protect you from the wrath of a mother whose baby is awaken by an unsolicited visitor. Let me rewind a minute. See, one of the reasons I have chip on my shoulder about door to door bible
thumpers is because when my Grandma was sick with cancer she often was home alone, probably
lonely, and lived with the fear that she might die at a very young age (47). Then one day
Jehovah Witnesses came to the door and took a
vunerable, sick woman and talked her out of receiving proper medical care. In their religion they don't believe in medical intervention. My Grandma died shortly thereafter from not receiving the necessary medical care. Would she have died anyway, even if she did get treatment? Maybe. Probably. But these people talked her out of even giving life a fighting chance. I will forever be jaded by this.
Anyways, back to my original point.
The lady that came to my door the other day started her memorized ramble about a "fair government", one that practiced equality for all, no rich, no poor, just mankind living together as one in a fair environment. The whole "equality" thing she was preaching made me ask her how her religion felt about homosexuality, and gay marriage. Well, DUH! As shocking as you may find the
hypocrisy, her religion didn't believe in gay marriage and thought homosexuality was an
So let me get this straight....EQUALITY FOR ALL, or for all they feel deserve it. That's how I understood it. I quickly ended the conversation because she wasn't going to make a small dent in my beliefs.
Then last night I watched a Lifetime movie
Prayers for Bobby. It is a true story about an ultra-
religious mother who finds out her son is gay and
subsequently disowns him and tells him if she has a gay son, then she has no son at all. Bobby, as a result of the cruel
abandonment of his mother, took his own life. It was a
heart wrenching tale of a mother & son and the importance of acceptance, no matter what. Luckily, although through tradegy, she realized the faults in her ways. She became an outspoken activists for gay rights. I became furious with the lady that came to my door. I became furious with all the people that voted against gay marriage. I became furious with all the people that preach to our children that they will burn in hell if they are gay. How can we do that to our children? These kids, they are taking their life over this. They are
killing themselves over this!! Again, how can we do this??
I'm personally saddened by California's Yes on Prop 8 result. And I do hope that someday there truly is equality for all. But until then, we need to find it in our own hearts to accept our children, not turn on backs on them, and always remind them that there is so much to live for. TELL YOUR CHILDREN NOT TO LISTEN TO THE DOOR TO DOOR BIBLE
They are
ok, just the way are.